
Sorry, oli pakko kerätä nää.

Unofficial Rule A: Never apologise, as it's a sign of weakness.
Unofficial Rule B: We don't believe in coincidence.
Unofficial Rule C: But we do believe in bad luck.
Unofficial Rule D: Don't speak geekspeak, speak English.
Unofficial Rule E: Headslap only the back of your underlings' heads: anything else would be demeaning (Gibbs once said a slap on the face was humiliating, whereas a cuff to the back of the head was a wakeup call).
Unofficial Rule F: Always anticipate
Unofficial Rule G: Know how to do every job that your underlings can do (this rule falls down if one your underlings happens to be Tim McGee, but we would all get a good laugh watching Gibbs trying to hack into the CIA's computers)
Unofficial Rule H: If a computer doesn’t work, hit it.
Unofficial Rule I: Always acknowledge good work by underlings.
Unofficial Rule J: When using Truth by Intimidation, always remain silent for at least a count of 5 after doing the act of intimidation, at which point the canary will sing.
Unofficial Rule K: When in the interrogation room, stop the recording devices when the information strays into personal matters irrelevant to the investigation (e.g., don’t ask/don’t tell rules for gay Marines, revelations of unrequited love)
Unofficial Rule L: When your cell phone breaks, have DiNozzo "fix" it (unwrap a new one from the supply drawer)
Unofficial Rule M: Always ask for permission to touch the body: it belongs to the M.Examiner (Ducky has been known to get stroppy if anyone spoils his crime scene, he reportedly threw somebody down a hill).
Unofficial Rule N: When doing a shootout, don’t kill the hostage and avoid shooting off their ear.
Unofficial Rule O: Don't call Ziva 'Ma'am' and don’t call Jenny 'Madam Director', if you want to live.
Unofficial Rule P: When hacking the CIA, give underlings a get out of jail free pass.
Unofficial Rule Q: When breaking others' rules, do not get caught.
Unofficial Rule R: If you want to gain access to a secure area to investigate, carry a cup of coffee and some paperwork and act like you belong.
Unofficial Rule S: Never, ever (ever) get Ziva angry.

Sit ne oikeat:

1. Never screw [over] your partner.
2. Never let suspects stay together.
3. Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
4. Don't believe what you're told, always double check.
The best way to keep a secret is to keep it to yourself. The second best? Tell one other person- if you must. There is no third best.
6. Never say you're sorry.
7. Always be specific when you lie.
8. Never take anything for granted.
9. Never go anywhere without a knife.
11. When the case is finished, let it go.
12. Never date a co-worker.
15. Always work as a team.
16. It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
17. Never be unreachable.
18. Never involve lawyers, things will turn nasty.
22. Never interrupt during an investigation.
23. Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live.
26. Never apologize -- it's a sign of weakness.
38. Your case, your lead.

 Aww... :)


Xmas gone, New Year bring it! 2010 <3

Joo eli Joulu tossa nyt meni ja hauskaa oli :) Eilen 25 pv oli sellaset sukujuhlat. :) Onneks siellä oli serkku mukana olisin kuollut tylsyyteen. Puhuttiin sen kans mitäs saatiin joululahjaks ja sit mistä me nyt nykyään fanitetaan :D
Anyway mitäkö sain lahjaksi <3 ihanan rannekorun mitä oon ikinä nähnyt <3 siihen saa ostettua ite lisää sellasia miten sen selittäis... liitoskoruja... LOL. Se sopii hyvin mun vasempaa käteen jossa on myös keskarissa rippilahjasormus. Aivan ihana. Sitten... mä nauroin niin paljon kun avasin kaikki lahjat ja laskin montako kasvon hoitotuotteita sain... 6 purkkii!!! xD kaikki on varmaan nähny mun kasvot.
Sit sain 4 hajuvettä aivan ihanan tuoksusia. Sit sain yhdeltä ystävältä sieltä kaukaa Missä sattumoisin tahtoisin juuri olla näkemässä staroja... Aivan ihanan kirjan, se on nyt käytössäni jonne kirjotan omaa fiktioo <3 kiitti lahjasta.<3
Sit sain vanhimmalta veljeltä Greyn anatomian 1 tuotantokauden... :) se oli nii söpöö, mä en koskaa oo varmaan ees maininnu et tahtoisin ostaa sen mut sit ku sain sen nii olin iha täpinäs hyvä ku en hypänny kattoon "JIHAA!"

Juu no, jos rupeen nyt kertoon jokaisesta lahjastani nii sormeni kuolee. :D


mä olen nyt vähän fanittanut tota NCIS:ssää... Aivan ihana <3

muutama Quotes

(Ziva is going to disarm the bomb)
Tony: This has to be the stupidest thing a human being has ever done!
Ziva: Then why are you following me Tony?
Tony: I don't freakin' know!
Lee: (on Gibbs) He's right director.
Jenny: He usually is... that's what makes him so damn irritating.
Ziva: Any questions?
Tony: Yeah I got one, ever kill anyone with a spoon?
Ziva: ( goes closer and slams knife down) No, but I'm seriously considering it.


I'm that Bitch - Livvi Franc



Tällästä vaaa....

Tony: "my head is about explo. It's longest three hours in my tired freaking life!"
(Mä repesin nii lujaa, ku katoin NCIS:ssää.) haha hah

Sit yks bad guy:"one's you gotta know him you're really learn to hate him."

hmmm mitäs muuta...
Ai niin


Lady Gaga-Bad Romance

Anna Abreu - Shine
