
just some lolz, I found.

Ziva: I am here if you would like to talk.
Tony: About what?
Ziva: I know how much you cared about her.
Tony: I'm fine Ziva.
Ziva: Alright, but I thought, maybe you needed a little cheering up.
Tony: If I needed to be cheered up I would've put super-glue on McGee's keyboard.
McGee: You put super-glue on my keyboard! (holds up hands stuck to keyboard)
Tony: Well you got me...
McGee: Come on...
Tony: Have been saving that to rainy day.
Ziva: did it help?
Tony: didn't hurt.


After episode, when Tony almost died and now back at work. But anyone "notices" him.
When they've just talked all work stuff.
Tony: Maybe I did died.
Gibbs: feel that?
Tony: feel what?
Tony: wuuu...
Gibbs: You're still alive. Welcome back Dinozzo.

Mutta kello on rientää... nyt meen nukkuun CIAO :)

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